Assen Zlatarov University, Annual, Vol. LI, Book 1, Technical and Natural Sciences, 2022

30 × 21 × 0.5 cm
Брой страници: 
90 стр.
Година на издаване: 
0,00 лв.
0,00 лв.

Assen Zlatarov University, Annual, Vol. LI, Book 1, Technical and Natural Sciences, 2022



Galina Grigorova,
Galina Yordanova,
Ruska Nenkova

Influence of food, stress and sleep on students’ health

Antonia Ilieva,
Dimitrina Kiryakova

Tensile properties of silane-treated wood flour polypropylene composites before and after thermal ageing

Vasil Ivanov
Research of a parallel oscillating scheme in Simulink

Dimitrina Kiryakova,
Ganka Kolchakova

Structural and surface characteristics of chemically modified waste egg shells

Dimitrina Krasteva,
Katya Gabrovska,
Yavor Ivanov
Determination of the antimicrobial effectiveness of the antibiotic Ciprofloxacin

Mehmed Hasan
Operational reliability in a smart grid

Ruska Nenkova,
Galina Yordanova,
Galina Grigorova

Synergistic action of preservatives on different types of microorganisms

Stanislav Popov,
Todor Petkov,
Veselina Burieva

Probability modeling using logistic regression and MapReduce

Yordanka Tasheva,
Aleksander Dimitrov,
Milena Dimitrova

Some features of gasoil oxidation

Articles presented at the Challenges for Medical Science and Practice in the 21st Century Congress of Medicine, Burgas, 1-3 September 2022

Mihai Petrov
Entropical thermodynamic description of humans and health as a unique functional element in the concept of health ecology and the biosphere

Mihai Petrov
Investigation of the influence of aerosol and gas pollutants on ecosystems, the respiratory system and human health

Nikolay Kostadinov
Physical activity in type 2 diabetes – a key role in treatment

Zlatka Cholakova,
Nikolay Mirinchev

Geodes unusual manifestation of urolithiasis. Two cases of bladder and kidney presence of geodes

Petia Tzvetkova
Reproductive view of the city of Burgas in the context of the psyho-social factors of the demographic crisis

Petia Tzvetkova
Spermatological indicators on Torsio testis

Ganka Bekyarova,
Yoana Kisselova-Kaneva,
Nicolai Bekyarov,
Stefka Stoeva
Association between ADMA, oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction in metabolic syndrome

S. Chavdarov, St. Shishkov,
Sv. Todorov, E. Laleva,
K. Minkova, M. Mihaylova

Metastatic brain tumours

Sv. TodorovSt. Shishkov,
S. Chavdarov, K. Minkova,
M. Mihaylova, E. Laleva


Assoc. Prof. Svetlana Zheleva, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Penka Peeva, PhD
Prof. Margarita Terzieva, DSc
Assoc. Prof. Liliya Staneva, PhD
Asst. Prof. Ivan Sokolov

Technical Assistant
Iliana Ishmerieva


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