Assen Zlatarov University, Annual, Vol. L, BOOK 1, Technical and Natural Sciences, 2021

30 × 21 × 0.5 cm
Брой страници: 
98 стр.
Година на издаване: 
0,00 лв.
0,00 лв.

Assen Zlatarov University, Annual, Vol. L, BOOK 1, Technical and Natural Sciences, 2021



Yana Koleva,
Viktoria Trifonova,
Hristivelina Zhecheva

Probable environmental fate of benzothiophene and its asymmetric dibenzothiophene isomers

Zdravka Nikolaeva
Statistical estimation of the daily values of PM10 concentrations for the municipality of Burgas

Mihai Petrov
Adiabatical thermodynamic model for the description of the current state of the excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

Vladilena Deyanova,
Emilya Ivanova,
Nikola Todorov

Assessment of indoor air quality in some classrooms of Prof. dr A. Zlatarov University, Burgas

Elena Mollova,
Anelia Darakova,
Blagovesta Midyurova,
Aleksandar Dimitrov,
Dimitar Gogov

Calculation of certain parameters of installation for adsorption purification of ventilation air from volatile organic compounds

Milena Dimitrova,
Yordanka Tasheva

Evaluation of gasoil purification by thermodynamic and kinetic parameters

Fila Yovkova,
Irena Markovska

Garnet ceramic pigments doped with several d-chromophore elements

Galina Grigorova
Health benefits of eating natural honey. Physicochemical analysis of honey

Galina Yordanova
Comparison of growth of Aspergillus oryzae and Saccharomyces cerevisiae on coffee ground

Dimitrina Krasteva,
Reni Syarova,
Zlatina Chengolova

Activity of lactase produced from Escherichia coli and Aspergillus oryzae

Radostin Kasarov
Small broad-band immersion transducers for investigation of Peltier Module

Radostin Kasarov
Calibration of 15MHz immersion transducer for investigation of Peltier Module

Sabina Nedkova,
Plamena Atanasova

Comparative analyses of data on radiological monitoring of Vromos bay area

Mladen Proykov
Testing of digital relay protection model SCU of ABB company

Mladen Proykov,
Vasil Ivanov

Testing of system for smooth starting of asynchronous motor

Vasil Ivanov
Research of autonomous low power supply system

Liliya Staneva,
Dimitar Iliev

Generalized nets model for packet flow v6.0

Stanislav Popov,
Todor Petkov,
Veselina Bureva

Program realization and visual simulation of K-means cluster analysis

Mehmed Kadir Hasan
Choice of an alternative for incorporation of decentralized sources into smart grids

Ivelina Vardeva,
Stoyan Dimitrov

Generalized nets model for marking packet for further processing


Assoc. Prof. Svetlana Zheleva, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Penka Peeva, PhD
Prof. Margarita Terzieva, DSc
Assoc. Prof. Liliya Staneva, PhD
Asst. Prof. Ivan Sokolov

Technical Assistant
Iliana Ishmerieva


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