Assen Zlatarov University, Annual, Vol. LIII, Book 2, Social Sciences, 2024
Alexander Stankov,
Ekaterina Todorova
Aspects of western European influence on Bulgaria and the Bulgarians during the third crusade
Elena Ilieva
Economic versus non-economic motives for P2P-accommodation: the Bulgarian consumer’s perception
Ivaylo Mihaylov
Sovereign wealth funds as a tool for countercyclical fiscal policy
Krastina Todorova,
Monika Obreikova
Review of measures for maintaining and providing first aid by students
Lilyana Bardukova
Sustainable tourism and its reflection on the tourism sector in Bulgaria
Maria Dishkova,
Yordanka Mavrodieva
The social isolation of the elderly
Mira Djendova
Characteristics of innovations in the tourism product in the south Black sea region
Petko Yangyozov
Influence diagram of the impact of optimization methods on the economic efficiency of recruitment and selection
Petko Yangyozov
Assessment approach to the impact of optimization methods on the economic efficiency of recruitment and selection
Sotir Bogoslovov
Ethical considerations of using AI tools in geriatric care management
Velika Bineva
Calculation of the actual prime cost of production in micro and small enterprises
Zlatina Karadzhova,
Mariyana Stoyanova
Opportunities for application of telemedicine services for geriatric patients-tourists
Assoc. Prof. Svetlana Zheleva, PhD
Prof. Margarita Terzieva, DSc
Assoc. Prof. Liliya Staneva, PhD
Asst. Prof. Ivan Sokolov
Technical Assistant
Iliana Ishmerieva