Assen Zlatarov University, Annual, Vol. XLVI, BOOK 1, Technical and Natural Sciences, 2017

30 × 21 × 1 cm
Брой страници: 
116 стр.
Година на издаване: 
0,00 лв.
0,00 лв.

Assen Zlatarov University, Annual, Vol. XLVI, BOOK 1, Technical and Natural Sciences, 2017



Nikolay Zaitsev, Dencho Stanev, Krasimira Stancheva, Viktoria Trifonova, Veska Shivacheva, Hristivelina Jecheva
Simultaneous Determination of Copper and Lead in Drinking and Lake Waters by Anodic Stripping Voltammetry

Lenia Gonsalvesh, Stancho Pavlov, Mariana Tavlieva, Velyana Georgieva
Porous Texture Assessment of Activated Carbons Derived from Walnut Shells through Chemical Activation

Stancho Pavlov, Lenia Gonsalvesh
Software for Processing Data from N2 Adsorption Measurements

Svetlana  Boshnakova, Irena Markovska, Dimitar Rusev 
Obtaining Wear-Resistant Materials on the Base of Metal Matrix Composites Reinforced with TiC Particles

Ganka Kolchakova, Nikolay Enev, Snejana Koruderlieva, Milena Ivanova
Study on the Possibility to Utilize Ashes from Thermal Power Stations for the Production of Construction Ceramic Materials

Zlatina Becheva, Katya Gabrovska, Yavor Ivanov
Enhancement of Immunoassay Fluorescence and Detection Sensitivity to Neutrophils by Using Antibodies Multiple Labelled with Dye/DNA Conjugate

Milen Dimov, Krasimira Dobreva, Stanka Damyanova, Albena Stoyanova
Chemical Composition, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities of Dill Essential Oils (Anethum graveolens L.)

Krasimira Georgieva, Petko Petkov, Nikola Todorov, Yordan Denev
Infrared Study on Vegetable Oils Aging Processes

Nikola Todorov, Krasimira Yaneva, Yordan Denev
Depolymerization of PET with Glycerides of Oleic Acid

Mariana Tavlieva, Dimitrina Kiryakova, Atanas Atanassov
Comparative Characterization of UV Irradiated Polyethylene Oxide Films Containing Organic Complexes of Metal Acetylacetonates

Miroslava Valchanova, Emilya Ivanova, Sevdalina Turmanova, Stanislav Rangelov
Synthesis of Diblock Copolymers of Poly(Allyl Glycidyl Ether) and Polyglycidol

Ivaylo Tankov, Magdalena Mitkova, Dicho Stratiev
Reaction Kinetics of Butyl Acetate Synthesis in the Presence of Pyridinium-Based Acidic Ionic Liquids

Yordanka Tasheva, Anton Palichev, Todor Palichev
Evaluation of Colloidal Instability Index by SARA Method

Yana Koleva, Yordanka Tasheva
Persistence, Bioaccumulation and Toxicity of Biodegraded Metabolites of Petroleum Benzene in the Environment

Sabina Nedkova, Plamena Atanasova, Ruska Myhailova, Marusia Lybcheva
Assessment of the Human Reliability in a Company from the Chemical Industry

Zdravka Nikolaeva
Estimation of the Solar Potential in the Municipality of Burgas

Vasil Ivanov
Analysis of Computer Simulation in Software Environment of One-Phase Bridge Voltage Inverter for a Photovoltaic System

Vasil Ivanov, Neli Simeonova
Study of the Quality of Electric Power Generated by a Voltage Inverter for Photovoltaic System

Ivaylo Belovski
Synthesis and Testing of a Digital Differential Thermostat

Todor Kostadinov, Asen Iliev, Stanislav Simeonov
Autonomous Light Diagnostics System for the Purposes of Sea Buoy Monitoring

Veselina Bureva, Stanislav Popov, Evdokia Sotirova, Boriana Miteva
Generalized Net of the Process of Hierarchical Cluster Analysis

Yuliyan Petrov
Automated Method for Estimating a Pedestrian and Cyclist Traffic Accident in the Absence of Brake Traces


Prof. Margarita Terzieva, DSc 

Prof. Lyubomir Vlaev, DSc
Assoc. Prof. Penka Peeva, PhD
Asst. Prof. Ivan Sokolov

Technical Assistant
Iliana Ishmerieva


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