Assen Zlatarov University, Annual, Vol. XLVII, BOOK 1, Technical and Natural Sciences, 2018

30 × 21 × 1 cm
Брой страници: 
138 стр.
Година на издаване: 
0,00 лв.
0,00 лв.

Assen Zlatarov University, Annual, Vol. XLVII, BOOK 1, Technical and Natural Sciences, 2018



Ivan Georgiev
Uniform M2-Computability of the Generalised Mean

Rumyana Yankova
Hirshfeld Surface Analysis of Bis(2-Aminothiazole) Dichlorozinc(II)

Ginka Baikusheva-Dimitrova, Svetlana Genieva, Rumyana Yankova
Regression Methods for Determination of Thermodynamic Properties of Selenites of Rare Earth Elements

Viktoriya Trifonova, Anife Ahmedova, Krasimir Vassilev
Quantum-Chemical Calculation of Complexes of Glutathione with Ions of Transition Metals

Nikolay Zaitsev, Dencho Stanev, Krasimira Stancheva, Viktoria Trifonova, Veska Shivacheva, Hristivelina Jecheva
Simultaneous Determination of Cadmium and Zinc in Drinking and Lake Waters by Anodic Stripping Voltammetry

Ivan Chobanov, Zilya Mustafa
Influence of Density on the Evaporation Kinetics of Volatile Compounds from Waste Water Treatment Plants

Milena Miteva, Violeta Slavova, Stoiko Petrov
Vacuum Metallization of Polymer Membranes of Different Morphology with Titanium

Ganka Kolchakova, Nikolay Enev, Milena Ivanova, Snejana Koruderlieva
Study of the Granulation of Fly Ash from Thermal Power Stations

Tsvetalina Ibreva, Irena Markovska, Tsvetan Dimitrov
Synthesis and Characterization of Willemite Ceramic Pigments Obtained by Utilisation of Bio-Waste

Nikola Todorov, Krasimira Yaneva, Yordan Denev
Alkyd Resins Based on Glycerol Phase from Rapeseed Oil Biodiesel Production

Krasimira Georgieva, Yordan Denev
Multilayer Polymer Films Based on Recycled High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)

Aleksandar Dimitrov, Dimitrinka Ivanova, Stela Naydenova, Marina Dimitrova, Dimitar Gogov
Determination of Hydrodynamic Parameters of Fiber Sorbents

Yordanka Tasheva, Todor Palichev
Evaluation of Heavy Fuel Oils

Dilyana Zvezdova, Ivaylo Tankov, Stefan Harkov, Radoslava Nikolova, Anife Veli
Preparation and Characterization of Chitosan-Antibiotic-Zeolite Nanocomposite Films

Dilyana Zvezdova
Chitosan Nanocomposite Films as Antimicrobial Agent: Applications and Mode of Action

Dimitrina Krasteva, Katya Gabrovska, Tzonka Godjevargova
Preparation of Anti-CD34 Antibody-FITC and Anti-CD45 Antibody-ATTO 465 Conjugates for Immunofluorescence Image Cytometric Assay of Leukocyte and Stem Blood Cells

Milka Atanasova, Yavor Ivanov, Luka Godjevargov, Tzonka Godjevargova
Preparation of Functionalized Magnetic Nanoparticles

Galina Grigorova
Study of Total Microbial Count in Raw Milk

Galina Yordanova, Maria Brinkova, Dobromir Yordanov, Ruska Nenkova
Study of the Viability of Baker’s Yeast and Optimal Development Conditions

Radostin Kasarov
Investigation of Polymeric Materials by Means of Electro Acoustic Methods

Ivaylo Belovski, Vasil Ivanov
Solar Powered Thermoelectric Cooling System

Veselina Bureva, Krassimir Atanassov, Anthony Shannon, Todor Petkov, Stanimir Surchev
Generalized Net Model of the Process of Classification

Todor Kostadinov
Intercriteria Analysis of the Gyroscope Drift

Dimitar Rusev
Study of the Effect of Turbine Blade Pitch Angle on Flow Hydrodynamics

Dimitar Rusev
Modification of the Surface Layer of a Blade for Freon Operated Turbine

Stela Naydenova, Lenia Gonsalvesh
PM2.5 – Selection of Sampling Points on the Territory of Burgas Municipality

Sabina Nedkova, Plamena Atanasova
Study of the Effect of Implementing an Interactive Form of Education in the Discipline “Technical Safety and Disaster Protection”

Rumen Yankov, Vasil Bobev
Experimental Study of the Work of Throttle Temperature Flow Compensator for Debit


Prof. Margarita Terzieva, DSc 

Prof. Lyubomir Vlaev, DSc
Assoc. Prof. Penka Peeva, PhD
Asst. Prof. Ivan Sokolov

Technical Assistant
Iliana Ishmerieva


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