Assen Zlatarov University, Annual, Vol. XLVII, BOOK 2, Social Sciences, 2018

30 × 21 × 1 cm
Брой страници: 
146 стр.
Година на издаване: 
0,00 лв.
0,00 лв.

Assen Zlatarov University, Annual, Vol. XLVII, BOOK 2, Social Sciences, 2018



Margarita Terzieva
Hristo Botev Teacher Training Institute in Burgas: History and Traditions

Rositsa Hristova
Late Bronze Age Pottery on the Territory of Upper Thrace Valley

Martin Gyuzelev
Reliefs with Depictions of Heros Stomianos (Problems of Interpretation)

Penka Peeva
Forms of Exchange in Bulgarian Lands in the Second Half of the 19th Century

Petar Parushev
The Bulgarian-Turkish Relations and the Fate of the Edirne Region of Thrace on the Eve of the First World War

Petar Parushev
The Bulgarian-Romanian and Bulgarian-Russian Relations at the Beginning of the First World War – a View from Bucharest

Nadezhda Kaloyanova
Attitudes of Students – Future Teachers – for Career Orientation and Professional Realization

Тinka Ivanova
Monitoring of Montessori Environment (Observing) and Practical Preparation of Future Teachers

Maria Dishkova
Main Reasons for Delayed Childbirth

Dechko Ignatov
Developing Soft Skills in Children in First Grade through an Interactive Environment

Maria Nenarokova
By the Pike’s Will: The Russian Fairy Tale and the Soviet Reality

Maria Nenarokova
Soviet Films of the 1920s-1930s for and about Children: Common Features and Aims

Stoyanka Petkova-Georgieva
Basic Problems to Solve in Strategic Controlling Implementation

Nikolay Milev, Lyuba Zheleva
The Utilization of Resources from EU Structural and Cohesion Funds by Bulgarian Municipalities as a Factor for Attracting Foreign Direct Investment

Milen Velev
The Influence of Unemployment on Economic Growth in Bulgaria

Milen Velev
The Level and Dynamics of Remuneration in the Tourism Sector in Bulgaria

Stoyan Tranev, Velichka Traneva
Conflictology Franchising

Adile Dimitrova, Petko Yangyozov
Study of Students’ Entrepreneurship Intentions from the Business Majors at University „Prof. As. Zlatarov“ – Burgas Across Gender

Emanuila Antonova
Theoretical Research on the Outsourcing of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

Zlatina Karadjova
Application of Digital Marketing Strategies in Tourist Business

Veselina Atanasova
Model for Analysis and Evaluation of Customer Relations with Tourism

Veselina Atanasova
Impact of Development Factors on Relationships – Customer and Hotel Organization

Vladimir Gonchev
Health Inequalities in Bulgaria in the 21st Century. Some Modern Aspects of Palliative Care at the End of Life

Jordan Gavrailov, Svetla Shopova
Study of the Effect of Physical Therapy Program on Stress Reduction Thanks to Skin Conductivity Measurement

Katya Popova, Galina Terzieva
Complex Approach to Organization and Implementation of Geriatric Care

Monika Obreykova, Galina Terzievа, Petya Stefanova, Dechko Ignatov
Obesity in Childhood through the Eyes of the GP


Prof. Margarita Terzieva, DSc 

Prof. Lyubomir Vlaev, DSc
Assoc. Prof. Penka Peeva, PhD
Asst. Prof. Ivan Sokolov

Technical Assistant
Iliana Ishmerieva


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