Assen Zlatarov University, Annual, Vol. LIII, Book 1, Technical and Natural Sciences, 2024
Dimitar Penev,
Petia Tzvetkova
Overview of cellular signal molecule binding with basic receptor types
Ruska Nenkova,
Galina Yordanova,
Galina Grigorova
Impact of bee pollen and royal jelly on the growth of various bacterial and yeast species
Ganka Kolchakova,
Dimitrina Kiryakova
Obtaining calcium carbonate from eggshells by low-temperature processing
Ivan Ivanov
A conceptual approach to the design of a specialized machine-building plant for the repair of cylinder heads
Ivan Ivanov
On the damage and restoration of engine exhaust manifolds
Nikolay Kostadinov
Type 2 diabetes and thyroid dysfunction
Sabina Nedkova,
Plamena Atanasova,
Kaloyan Ivanov
Monitoring gamma radiation background and surface contamination of land and sand
Stanislav Popov
Multiple linear regression analysis on mental health disorders in Bulgaria
Stanislav Popov
Generalized net model of expectation-maximization algorithm
Todor Petkov,
Plamen Stoyanov,
Mehmed Mehmed
Application of artificial intelligence in modern web development
Zdravka Nikolaeva,
Maria Karabajakova
Research of ozone and nitrogen dioxide concentrations and the current photochemical processes in the atmospheric air
Assoc. Prof. Svetlana Zheleva, PhD
Prof. Margarita Terzieva, DSc
Assoc. Prof. Liliya Staneva, PhD
Asst. Prof. Ivan Sokolov
Technical Assistant
Iliana Ishmerieva